A groundbreaking virtualization architecture

A host OS kernel-based virtualization

The single most important advantage of the KVM server virtualization platform lies in the fact that it is built into the physical host server’s Operating System, removing the requirement for any supplementary virtualization layer. This goes to say that there’s no demand for a supplementary software application that rests between the host machine and the Virtual Private Servers that have been set up. The aforementioned also eliminates the virtualization layer as a possible single point of failure (SPOF). All this suggests faster and pronouncedly more stable KVM-driven Virtual Private Servers compared to other Virtual Private Servers.
A groundbreaking virtualization architecture

Thorough OS control

Thorough freedom to set up whatever Operating System you need

One of the limitations of virtual servers as compared to dedicated servers is the OS itself – you’re traditionally restrained by the Operating System choices offered by your provider. With a KVM VPS, however, you can set up pretty much any OS that is supported by your server’s technical specifications and the mother server’s hardware components. This is possible due to the very way in which KVM virtualization works. KVM is implemented straight into the kernel of the host OS, making it possible for virtual machines to interact directly with the hardware components, without the need for an extra communication layer, present in other server virtualization alternatives.
Thorough OS control

NVMe–established VPS Hosting Services

A lot faster virtual servers with NVMe disks

Having an NVMe–driven website hosting server is a huge advantage as far as web page improvement is concerned. A website or a web app held on an NVMe will open and perform noticeably faster than a web page or an application managed on a common hard disk. This is the reason why, all our Linux KVM virtual private servers are equipped with NVMe drives.

NVMe–established VPS Hosting Services

A considerably better server resource utilization

Server resources for your own use only

By removing the need for an extra virtualization layer through which the entire communication with the mother server is conducted, KVM-driven virtual machines can benefit from a decidedly improved server resource usage. With KVM, the virtualization commands are encoded directly into the host OS kernel, which implies that all KVM-driven virtual servers can interact directly with the physical machine’s CPU (central processing unit). Virtio disk and network drivers, on the other hand, cut out any needles emulation on the host. This diminished communication redundancy means a drastically faster real-world performance when compared to other virtualization solutions.
A considerably better server resource utilization

VPS Features

The Linux KVM virtual private servers are ready for all sorts of projects

We have diligently decided on the characteristics of all of our Linux KVM virtual private servers. This way, we can now be assured that all our web server packs will be working for you in the most effective way – beginning with our smallest Linux KVM virtual private server, which is wonderful for an individual multi–media website or a smaller app web hosting server, to our most powerful Linux KVM virtual private server, which can come to be the first step toward a fully–fledged reseller hosting enterprise. All Linux KVM virtual private servers are based on high–end and custom–made master servers to assure a reliable environment for you to create and manage your web pages.

VPS Features

Installing and Trouble–Shooting

Let our admins do the difficult job for you

Our server operators could help you with the setup of any kind of application that you want for your web page. Additionally, should you experience a difficulty with your hosting server that you are not aware how to resolve, you could contact them for support. The Installing & Problem–solving assistance is readily available as an add–on with each Linux KVM virtual private server at an excellent value.

Installing and Trouble–Shooting

A Free Dedicated IP

Get a totally free dedicated IP address with your VPS

A dedicated IP will grant you additional control over your site or application, so we include 1 for free with your Linux KVM virtual private server.

A Free Dedicated IP

VPS Hosting Service–level Guarantees

99.9% network uptime and 24/7 assistance

Your Linux KVM virtual private server is secured by a number of service–level guarantees. First, our well–trained sys admins will set up the machine for you within an hour just after signup. Because we like to always offer you the very best fee on the market, we do not charge you any kind of startup service fees. At the same time, we have developed our own internal system on account of which we’re able to promise a 99.9% network uptime for your VPS. You are able to take advantage of our 24x7 support handling the pre–installed applications.

VPS Hosting Service–level Guarantees

Absolutely Free Extras for Your webpages

Web accelerator applications, a domain name reseller account and even more

The Linux KVM virtual private servers have a collection of no cost addons, including a dedicated IP for your web page. Moreover, we include a domain reseller account and the ClientExec service and billing tool to guide you start your own personal reseller web hosting firm.

Absolutely Free Extras for Your webpages

Day–and–night Assistance

Your VPS will be in secure hands

Our support department is on shift for your business day–and–night to assist you with any tool that your VPS comes pre–equipped with. Any time you need assistance with the SolusVM Panel or have any kind of questions about the installed web site hosting Control Panel, our consultants are equipped to help.

Day–and–night Assistance

Full Root and SSH Access to the Server

Complete admission to to each aspect of your hosting server

With total root connectivity to your Linux KVM virtual private server (with cPanel), you may easily turn into a supervisor of your own personal web server environment. Such admission means that you can install an OS or modify the web hosting server controls. You may also mount all kinds of software applications and reboot the web hosting server anytime you have to. With our Installation & Troubleshooting pack, you can easily give all the aforementioned work to our skilled sys admins.

Full Root and SSH Access to the Server

A Variety of Operating Systems

Let us know what is your preferred Linux distribution

You are able to make a choice between various OS’s for your Linux KVM virtual private server – Debian, Ubuntu or CentOS.

A Variety of Operating Systems

Hepsia Reseller Tools

Earn money utilizing your server

Experience the potential of the Hosting in Finland hosting interface in initiating your very own wholesale hosting venture easily. Utilize the Manage Accounts option to establish as many as 5 autonomous sub profiles, each one of them ready for selling to your preferred target customers. Even if reselling web hosting isn't your primary objective, making use of extra accounts can efficiently offset maintenance expenses related to the server. Please bear in mind that while Managed Support packages are provided, help with invoice or client assistance is not within our capacity.

Hepsia Reseller Tools