Anytime you upload data on a web hosting server, it will need a certain amount of space on the hard drive dependent on its size. When you have a script-driven website which keeps its info in a database, it will take more space, the more people work with it. To give an example, if you have a discussion forum, the greater amount of responses people share, the larger the database will be. E-mail messages, in particular ones which have attachments, also need some space in the website hosting account. The hard disk space quota that you will get with your cloud web hosting supplier is the overall amount of information you can have at any given moment, it incorporates site files, e-mails as well as databases. Likewise, a personal computer has a hard disk and the software programs installed on it together with all docs and / or music files that you generate or download require some disk space, which can't surpass the full capacity of the hdd.

Disk Space in Cloud Web Hosting

With our cloud web hosting plans, you'll never be worried about disk storage. While most companies create accounts on a single server and at some time all the server disk storage will be in use, we have implemented a cloud hosting platform in which the files, emails and databases are handled by separate clusters of servers. Thus, each and every machine performs better as only one type of processes is functioning on it, and the hard disk storage is practically infinite as we will always install extra servers or hard drives to the cluster, depending on whether we need additional processing power or perhaps more storage space. You will never experience a scenario when you are not able to upload more files because there is no free hard disk space on your server, which is a matter you can encounter with other providers. If you use our web hosting services, you can be sure that restricted space will never be a setback for the progress of your web sites.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Considering the fact that all our semi-dedicated server plans are pretty powerful, we have chosen never to restrict the disk space attribute when we have created them. Our idea is that if you purchase a powerful package, it is more than likely that you've got a lot of website info, consequently each semi-dedicated server plan comes with limitless hdd space, which will enable you to center on developing your sites without having to worry whether you'll fit within some quota. Your web hosting account will be created on a cloud web hosting platform in which the databases, files and emails use their own clusters of servers, thus not only will the machines operate much better since only a single type of system processes will operate on them, but also you'll never have to worry for the hdd storage because we'll attach as many servers or hard disk drives to every single cluster as needed.

Disk Space in VPS Web Hosting

Our Linux VPS web hosting provide a huge amount of hdd storage so as to meet your demands and not limit the growth of your web sites. Of course, if you would like to run a single resource-consuming site or several smaller sites, you will need extra power in general, so the higher the VPS package, the more hdd storage you'll have. Shifting between our packages is a piece of cake and the additional space will be included in your current account without transferring any content or stopping/restarting your server, so when you reach the storage restriction of your current plan, you are able to upgrade with a couple of mouse-clicks from your billing panel. Since we provide you with several hosting Control Panels with our virtual private servers, you will have two options for the disk space control - using Hepsia, all of the sites will share the overall server space, while with DirectAdmin and cPanel you'll be able to set up distinct accounts for your domain names and set an allowance for each account.

Disk Space in Dedicated Servers Hosting

The minimum amount of hard disk storage which you can get using our dedicated servers is 500 gigabytes. You'll have 2 separate hard disks, 250 gigabytes each, and it is up to you the best way you will allot this space. You can easily have the disks in RAID, so that all of your information will be protected as one of the drives will be a real-time mirror of the other one, alternatively you're able to have them operate on their own, to use the full storage space volume that'll be accessible. The hard disk space of all of our Linux dedicated servers hosting is enough for everything - vast electronic stores, data depository portal, personal archive copy, and a lot more. We'll never keep back your sites with regard to the HDD space they require. In case that they begin increasing, we offer you the chance to add extra HDDs to your current server if needed. When you get the server with cPanel or DirectAdmin for the hosting Control Panel, you can also set up an individual account for each and every hosted domain name and set a hard disk storage allowance for it. When you use Hepsia all your domain names will be hosted in one place and they'll share the full server storage.