VPN Traffic in Cloud Web Hosting
The VPN access is available by default regardless of the cloud web hosting service you sign up for and you will find the settings, the login credentials and a list of our hosting servers in the VPN section of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. With simply a couple of mouse clicks you'll be able to access any content which is blocked inside your country or that is restricted only to a certain country as we have hosting servers that you could use all over the world. In this way you will have the freedom to access social networks or online streaming services no matter what because it shall seem that you are in Europe, in North America or any other specific location that you see in your Control Panel as we keep adding hosting servers on a regular basis. The VPN filter tool, that you can easily enable any time, will block all unwanted content including advertisements or massive images, which means less traffic and swifter loading speeds for the content which you would like to access.
VPN Traffic in Semi-dedicated Hosting
All of our Linux semi-dedicated hosting come with the Virtual private network access service, so if you would like to use it, you can activete it through the Virtual private network section of the Hepsia Control Panel which is included with all accounts. The list of all our servers and the login credentials which you should use inside the VPN client are available in the same section so with several clicks you'll be able to hide your physical location and make it seem like you're in Canada, the Netherlands or any of the locations where we have Virtual private network servers. This is a terrific way to access websites that are blocked in your country or to access services restricted to certain countries without using public proxies. Your location or what you do online won't be visible because the connection between your personal computer and our system shall be encrypted all of the time. If you need quicker access speed, you could enable our VPN filter and block advertisement banners and any other content that may consume your traffic or slow your connection.
VPN Traffic in VPS Web Hosting
You can use the Virtual private network access service with any of our Linux VPS web hosting if you pick Hepsia as the hosting Control Panel. Once the VPS is set up and you log in, you'll find the host and login details that you should use in the Virtual private network client on your end and you may start browsing content material that you cannot access otherwise instantly. We have a number of servers around the world, so you could effortlessly make it appear as if you are in the Netherlands, the US, Canada, and so forth. Thus you can access sites that your home country is blocking or services that are available only in a handful of countries and you will not have to pay anything more than the standard VPS monthly fee. The filter you can activate from the VPN section of Hepsia may come in handy in case you would like to browse a lot of internet sites since it will compress the pictures on them and will block any adverts, which shall speed up your access and will spare you the additional traffic.
VPN Traffic in Dedicated Servers Hosting
You can use the Virtual private network access service with our Linux dedicated servers hosting if you choose Hepsia for the hosting Control Panel on the order page and as soon as you log in and go to the corresponding section, you will locate the hostname, username and password you have to use within your Virtual private network client to be able to connect to our system. We have multiple servers throughout the world, which you can use and all your traffic shall be routed through them - Canada, the Netherlands, the USA, etcetera. Because we try to provide you a better service constantly, we keep including servers to the list. In this way you can easily appear as if you're actually inside one of these countries, so you won't have any difficulties to open a website or access a service, which is not allowed within your country or is restricted to selected countries throughout the world. To save you some traffic and to improve your browsing speed, we have also included a special filter you can easily activate via Hepsia to block all adverts and compress images on the websites that you visit.