Exclusive Domain Name Prices for You

We’re partnering with an ICANN–authorized registrar and can offer you unbelievably attractive domain name prices. You can select from a large selection of domains extensions, both universal and country–code. With our easy–to–navigate Domain Names Manager tool, you will be able to manage all your domain names from one single place. You can edit your WHOIS details, add custom DNS entries, park unlimited domain names plus much more.

Also, you can take advantage of Hosting in Finland’s exclusive offer – a no–cost domain name with a Linux cloud web hosting plan, which applies to the most desirable universal and country–specific TLDs.

Swipe left & right to view all TLDs
Promo Domains + Hosting
Domain Name Only
TLD 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years
.be €10.67 - - - - - - - - -
.fun €21.12 €57.76 €94.40 €131.04 €167.68 €204.32 €240.96 €277.60 €314.24 €350.88
.us €10.67 €21.77 €32.87 €43.97 €55.07 €66.17 €77.27 €88.37 €99.47 €110.57
.eu €7.39 €16.50 €25.61 €34.72 €43.83 €52.94 €62.05 €71.16 €80.27 €89.38
.biz €17.07 €38.72 €60.37 €82.02 €103.67 €125.32 €146.97 €168.62 €190.27 €211.92
.space €20.59 €49.89 €79.19 €108.49 €137.79 €167.09 €196.39 €225.69 €254.99 €284.29
.store €51.07 €108.71 €166.35 €223.99 €281.63 €339.27 €396.91 €454.55 €512.19 €569.83
.online €34.85 €71.64 €108.43 €145.22 €182.01 €218.80 €255.59 €292.38 €329.17 €365.96
.tech €45.86 €102.32 €158.78 €215.24 €271.70 €328.16 €384.62 €441.08 €497.54 €554.00
.me.uk €7.39 €17.05 €20.06 €26.40 €32.74 €39.07 €45.41 €51.74 €58.08 €64.42
.cn €13.29 €31.24 €49.19 €67.14 €85.09 €103.04 €120.99 €138.94 €156.89 €174.84
.website €20.06 €49.91 €79.76 €109.61 €139.46 €169.31 €199.16 €229.01 €258.86 €288.71
.press €63.58 €134.71 €205.84 €276.97 €348.10 €419.23 €490.36 €561.49 €632.62 €703.75
.nl €13.87 - - - - - - - - -
.net €13.05 €30.34 €47.63 €64.92 €82.21 €99.50 €116.79 €134.08 €151.37 €168.66
.uk €7.39 €17.05 €20.06 €26.40 €32.74 €39.07 €45.41 €51.74 €58.08 €64.42
.net.cn €13.29 €31.24 €49.19 €67.14 €85.09 €103.04 €120.99 €138.94 €156.89 €174.84
.com.cn €13.29 €31.24 €49.19 €67.14 €85.09 €103.04 €120.99 €138.94 €156.89 €174.84
.es €10.67 €22.88 €35.09 €47.30 €59.51 - - - - -
.info €19.20 €44.55 €69.90 €95.25 €120.60 €145.95 €171.30 €196.65 €222.00 €247.35
.it €7.21 - - - - - - - - -
.co.uk €7.39 €17.05 €20.06 €26.40 €32.74 €39.07 €45.41 €51.74 €58.08 €64.42
.com €10.88 €26.54 €42.20 €57.86 €73.52 €89.18 €104.84 €120.50 €136.16 €151.82
.de €11.74 - - - - - - - - -
.org.uk €7.39 €17.05 €20.06 €26.40 €32.74 €39.07 €45.41 €51.74 €58.08 €64.42
.org €10.60 €26.38 €42.16 €57.94 €73.72 €89.50 €105.28 €121.06 €136.84 €152.62
.fr €12.80 - - - - - - - - -
.org.cn €13.29 €31.24 €49.19 €67.14 €85.09 €103.04 €120.99 €138.94 €156.89 €174.84
.site €26.40 €63.04 €99.68 €136.32 €172.96 €209.60 €246.24 €282.88 €319.52 €356.16
TLD 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years
.tw €37.64 €75.28 €112.92 €150.56 €188.20 €225.84 €263.48 €301.12 €338.76 €376.40
.be €11.10 - - - - - - - - -
.fun €36.64 €73.28 €109.92 €146.56 €183.20 €219.84 €256.48 €293.12 €329.76 €366.40
.city €24.28 €48.56 €72.84 €97.12 €121.40 €145.68 €169.96 €194.24 €218.52 €242.80
.us €11.10 €22.20 €33.30 €44.40 €55.50 €66.60 €77.70 €88.80 €99.90 €111.00
.training €34.84 €69.68 €104.52 €139.36 €174.20 €209.04 €243.88 €278.72 €313.56 €348.40
.eu €9.11 €18.22 €27.33 €36.44 €45.55 €54.66 €63.77 €72.88 €81.99 €91.10
.tips €29.03 €58.06 €87.09 €116.12 €145.15 €174.18 €203.21 €232.24 €261.27 €290.30
.shop €37.48 €74.96 €112.44 €149.92 €187.40 €224.88 €262.36 €299.84 €337.32 €374.80
.ca €22.80 €45.60 €68.40 €91.20 €114.00 €136.80 €159.60 €182.40 €205.20 €228.00
.institute €25.33 €50.66 €75.99 €101.32 €126.65 €151.98 €177.31 €202.64 €227.97 €253.30
.team €34.48 €68.96 €103.44 €137.92 €172.40 €206.88 €241.36 €275.84 €310.32 €344.80
.fyi €22.68 €45.36 €68.04 €90.72 €113.40 €136.08 €158.76 €181.44 €204.12 €226.80
.kitchen €55.96 €111.92 €167.88 €223.84 €279.80 €335.76 €391.72 €447.68 €503.64 €559.60
.farm €36.64 €73.28 €109.92 €146.56 €183.20 €219.84 €256.48 €293.12 €329.76 €366.40
.biz €21.65 €43.30 €64.95 €86.60 €108.25 €129.90 €151.55 €173.20 €194.85 €216.50
.international €29.99 €59.98 €89.97 €119.96 €149.95 €179.94 €209.93 €239.92 €269.91 €299.90
.coffee €34.84 €69.68 €104.52 €139.36 €174.20 €209.04 €243.88 €278.72 €313.56 €348.40
.bike €34.84 €69.68 €104.52 €139.36 €174.20 €209.04 €243.88 €278.72 €313.56 €348.40
.delivery €51.21 €102.42 €153.63 €204.84 €256.05 €307.26 €358.47 €409.68 €460.89 €512.10
.cafe €40.44 €80.88 €121.32 €161.76 €202.20 €242.64 €283.08 €323.52 €363.96 €404.40
.dance €25.33 €50.66 €75.99 €101.32 €126.65 €151.98 €177.31 €202.64 €227.97 €253.30
.pet €23.22 €46.44 €69.66 €92.88 €116.10 €139.32 €162.54 €185.76 €208.98 €232.20
.dog €55.96 €111.92 €167.88 €223.84 €279.80 €335.76 €391.72 €447.68 €503.64 €559.60
.computer €36.64 €73.28 €109.92 €146.56 €183.20 €219.84 €256.48 €293.12 €329.76 €366.40
.tools €32.73 €65.46 €98.19 €130.92 €163.65 €196.38 €229.11 €261.84 €294.57 €327.30
.center €24.83 €49.66 €74.49 €99.32 €124.15 €148.98 €173.81 €198.64 €223.47 €248.30
.parts €34.84 €69.68 €104.52 €139.36 €174.20 €209.04 €243.88 €278.72 €313.56 €348.40
.services €36.64 €73.28 €109.92 €146.56 €183.20 €219.84 €256.48 €293.12 €329.76 €366.40
.space €29.30 €58.60 €87.90 €117.20 €146.50 €175.80 €205.10 €234.40 €263.70 €293.00
.com.au €13.74 €27.48 €41.22 €54.96 €68.70 - - - - -
.store €57.64 €115.28 €172.92 €230.56 €288.20 €345.84 €403.48 €461.12 €518.76 €576.40
.co €38.02 €76.04 €114.06 €152.08 €190.10 - - - - -
.online €36.79 €73.58 €110.37 €147.16 €183.95 €220.74 €257.53 €294.32 €331.11 €367.90
.tech €56.46 €112.92 €169.38 €225.84 €282.30 €338.76 €395.22 €451.68 €508.14 €564.60
.nu €24.29 €48.58 €72.87 €97.16 €121.45 €145.74 €170.03 €194.32 €218.61 €242.90
.agency €26.59 €53.18 €79.77 €106.36 €132.95 €159.54 €186.13 €212.72 €239.31 €265.90
.today €26.59 €53.18 €79.77 €106.36 €132.95 €159.54 €186.13 €212.72 €239.31 €265.90
.software €36.64 €73.28 €109.92 €146.56 €183.20 €219.84 €256.48 €293.12 €329.76 €366.40
.ninja €30.39 €60.78 €91.17 €121.56 €151.95 €182.34 €212.73 €243.12 €273.51 €303.90
.works €36.64 €73.28 €109.92 €146.56 €183.20 €219.84 €256.48 €293.12 €329.76 €366.40
.church €40.44 €80.88 €121.32 €161.76 €202.20 €242.64 €283.08 €323.52 €363.96 €404.40
.name €15.84 €31.68 €47.52 €63.36 €79.20 €95.04 €110.88 €126.72 €142.56 €158.40
.wine €53.75 €107.50 €161.25 €215.00 €268.75 €322.50 €376.25 €430.00 €483.75 €537.50
.me.uk €9.66 €12.67 €19.01 €25.35 €31.68 €38.02 €44.35 €50.69 €57.03 €63.36
.money €36.64 €73.28 €109.92 €146.56 €183.20 €219.84 €256.48 €293.12 €329.76 €366.40
.cn €17.95 €35.90 €53.85 €71.80 €89.75 €107.70 €125.65 €143.60 €161.55 €179.50
.host €90.96 €181.92 €272.88 €363.84 €454.80 €545.76 €636.72 €727.68 €818.64 €909.60
.social €36.64 €73.28 €109.92 €146.56 €183.20 €219.84 €256.48 €293.12 €329.76 €366.40
.company €16.15 €32.30 €48.45 €64.60 €80.75 €96.90 €113.05 €129.20 €145.35 €161.50
.guru €39.35 €78.70 €118.05 €157.40 €196.75 €236.10 €275.45 €314.80 €354.15 €393.50
.gr - €28.49 - - - - - - - -
.irish €21.03 €42.06 €63.09 €84.12 €105.15 €126.18 €147.21 €168.24 €189.27 €210.30
.pt €20.64 - €61.92 - €103.20 - - - - -
.productions €36.64 €73.28 €109.92 €146.56 €183.20 €219.84 €256.48 €293.12 €329.76 €366.40
.co.nz €23.07 €46.14 €69.21 €92.28 €115.35 €138.42 €161.49 €184.56 €207.63 €230.70
.rocks €19.95 €39.90 €59.85 €79.80 €99.75 €119.70 €139.65 €159.60 €179.55 €199.50
.ws €29.57 €59.14 €88.71 €118.28 €147.85 €177.42 €206.99 €236.56 €266.13 €295.70
.news €30.39 €60.78 €91.17 €121.56 €151.95 €182.34 €212.73 €243.12 €273.51 €303.90
.email €27.68 €55.36 €83.04 €110.72 €138.40 €166.08 €193.76 €221.44 €249.12 €276.80
.cc €26.10 €52.20 €78.30 €104.40 €130.50 €156.60 €182.70 €208.80 €234.90 €261.00
.broker €30.93 €61.86 €92.79 €123.72 €154.65 €185.58 €216.51 €247.44 €278.37 €309.30
.codes €60.01 €120.02 €180.03 €240.04 €300.05 €360.06 €420.07 €480.08 €540.09 €600.10
.partners €63.51 €127.02 €190.53 €254.04 €317.55 €381.06 €444.57 €508.08 €571.59 €635.10
.media €40.44 €80.88 €121.32 €161.76 €202.20 €242.64 €283.08 €323.52 €363.96 €404.40
.website €29.85 €59.70 €89.55 €119.40 €149.25 €179.10 €208.95 €238.80 €268.65 €298.50
.coach €60.01 €120.02 €180.03 €240.04 €300.05 €360.06 €420.07 €480.08 €540.09 €600.10
.press €71.13 €142.26 €213.39 €284.52 €355.65 €426.78 €497.91 €569.04 €640.17 €711.30
.se €24.29 €48.58 €72.87 €97.16 €121.45 €145.74 €170.03 €194.32 €218.61 €242.90
.family €34.48 €68.96 €103.44 €137.92 €172.40 €206.88 €241.36 €275.84 €310.32 €344.80
.mobi €35.38 €70.76 €106.14 €141.52 €176.90 €212.28 €247.66 €283.04 €318.42 €353.80
.nl €18.48 - - - - - - - - -
.ch €15.42 - - - - - - - - -
.life €34.48 €68.96 €103.44 €137.92 €172.40 €206.88 €241.36 €275.84 €310.32 €344.80
.estate €36.64 €73.28 €109.92 €146.56 €183.20 €219.84 €256.48 €293.12 €329.76 €366.40
.jp €42.48 - - - - - - - - -
.ph €56.61*€85.85 €142.46€171.70 - - €400.01€429.25 - - - - €829.26€858.50
.engineering €60.01 €120.02 €180.03 €240.04 €300.05 €360.06 €420.07 €480.08 €540.09 €600.10
.technology €29.30 €58.60 €87.90 €117.20 €146.50 €175.80 €205.10 €234.40 €263.70 €293.00
.capital €63.51 €127.02 €190.53 €254.04 €317.55 €381.06 €444.57 €508.08 €571.59 €635.10
.net €17.29 €34.58 €51.87 €69.16 €86.45 €103.74 €121.03 €138.32 €155.61 €172.90
.digital €39.35 €78.70 €118.05 €157.40 €196.75 €236.10 €275.45 €314.80 €354.15 €393.50
.world €36.64 €73.28 €109.92 €146.56 €183.20 €219.84 €256.48 €293.12 €329.76 €366.40
.expert €60.01 €120.02 €180.03 €240.04 €300.05 €360.06 €420.07 €480.08 €540.09 €600.10
.run €25.52 €51.04 €76.56 €102.08 €127.60 €153.12 €178.64 €204.16 €229.68 €255.20
.org.nz €23.07 €46.14 €69.21 €92.28 €115.35 €138.42 €161.49 €184.56 €207.63 €230.70
.consulting €43.15 €86.30 €129.45 €172.60 €215.75 €258.90 €302.05 €345.20 €388.35 €431.50
.house €38.54 €77.08 €115.62 €154.16 €192.70 €231.24 €269.78 €308.32 €346.86 €385.40
.forsale €34.48 €68.96 €103.44 €137.92 €172.40 €206.88 €241.36 €275.84 €310.32 €344.80
.games €29.99 €59.98 €89.97 €119.96 €149.95 €179.94 €209.93 €239.92 €269.91 €299.90
.coupons €53.75 €107.50 €161.25 €215.00 €268.75 €322.50 €376.25 €430.00 €483.75 €537.50
.academy €37.33 €74.66 €111.99 €149.32 €186.65 €223.98 €261.31 €298.64 €335.97 €373.30
.xyz €17.23 €34.46 €51.69 €68.92 €86.15 €103.38 €120.61 €137.84 €155.07 €172.30
.rentals €36.64 €73.28 €109.92 €146.56 €183.20 €219.84 €256.48 €293.12 €329.76 €366.40
.fi €17.42 €34.84 €52.26 €69.68 €87.10 - - - - -
.properties €36.64 €73.28 €109.92 €146.56 €183.20 €219.84 €256.48 €293.12 €329.76 €366.40
.support €26.59 €53.18 €79.77 €106.36 €132.95 €159.54 €186.13 €212.72 €239.31 €265.90
.co.il €31.68 - - - - - - - - -
.events €36.64 €73.28 €109.92 €146.56 €183.20 €219.84 €256.48 €293.12 €329.76 €366.40
.net.nz €23.07 €46.14 €69.21 €92.28 €115.35 €138.42 €161.49 €184.56 €207.63 €230.70
.tv €41.27 €82.54 €123.81 €165.08 €206.35 €247.62 €288.89 €330.16 €371.43 €412.70
.uk €9.66 €12.67 €19.01 €25.35 €31.68 €38.02 €44.35 €50.69 €57.03 €63.36
.school €36.64 €73.28 €109.92 €146.56 €183.20 €219.84 €256.48 €293.12 €329.76 €366.40
.net.cn €17.95 €35.90 €53.85 €71.80 €89.75 €107.70 €125.65 €143.60 €161.55 €179.50
.com.cn €17.95 €35.90 €53.85 €71.80 €89.75 €107.70 €125.65 €143.60 €161.55 €179.50
.enterprises €36.64 €73.28 €109.92 €146.56 €183.20 €219.84 €256.48 €293.12 €329.76 €366.40
.es €12.21 €24.42 €36.63 €48.84 €61.05 - - - - -
.info €25.35 €50.70 €76.05 €101.40 €126.75 €152.10 €177.45 €202.80 €228.15 €253.50
.pro €24.29 €48.58 €72.87 €97.16 €121.45 €145.74 €170.03 €194.32 €218.61 €242.90
.ltd €27.68 €55.36 €83.04 €110.72 €138.40 €166.08 €193.76 €221.44 €249.12 €276.80
.fitness €36.64 €73.28 €109.92 €146.56 €183.20 €219.84 €256.48 €293.12 €329.76 €366.40
.network €30.93 €61.86 €92.79 €123.72 €154.65 €185.58 €216.51 €247.44 €278.37 €309.30
.ae €46.40 €92.80 €139.20 €185.60 €232.00 - - - - -
.top €14.98 €29.96 €44.94 €59.92 €74.90 €89.88 €104.86 €119.84 €134.82 €149.80
.repair €36.64 €73.28 €109.92 €146.56 €183.20 €219.84 €256.48 €293.12 €329.76 €366.40
.deals €36.64 €73.28 €109.92 €146.56 €183.20 €219.84 €256.48 €293.12 €329.76 €366.40
.in €18.86 €37.72 €56.58 €75.44 €94.30 €113.16 €132.02 €150.88 €169.74 €188.60
.co.za €17.95 - - - - - - - - -
.it €11.08 - - - - - - - - -
.club €21.12 €42.24 €63.36 €84.48 €105.60 €126.72 €147.84 €168.96 €190.08 €211.20
.co.uk €9.66 €12.67 €19.01 €25.35 €31.68 €38.02 €44.35 €50.69 €57.03 €63.36
.ie €21.16 €42.32 €63.48 €84.64 €105.80 €126.96 €148.12 €169.28 €190.44 €211.60
.education €31.77 €63.54 €95.31 €127.08 €158.85 €190.62 €222.39 €254.16 €285.93 €317.70
.group €20.34 €40.68 €61.02 €81.36 €101.70 €122.04 €142.38 €162.72 €183.06 €203.40
.com €15.66 €31.32 €46.98 €62.64 €78.30 €93.96 €109.62 €125.28 €140.94 €156.60
.business €15.06 €30.12 €45.18 €60.24 €75.30 €90.36 €105.42 €120.48 €135.54 €150.60
.plus €36.64 €73.28 €109.92 €146.56 €183.20 €219.84 €256.48 €293.12 €329.76 €366.40
.cool €36.64 €73.28 €109.92 €146.56 €183.20 €219.84 €256.48 €293.12 €329.76 €366.40
.bargains €34.48 €68.96 €103.44 €137.92 €172.40 €206.88 €241.36 €275.84 €310.32 €344.80
.com.mx €58.87 €117.74 €176.61 €235.48 €294.35 - - - - -
.de €15.61 - - - - - - - - -
.party €32.78 €65.56 €98.34 €131.12 €163.90 €196.68 €229.46 €262.24 €295.02 €327.80
.at €16.90 - - - - - - - - -
.org.uk €9.66 €12.67 €19.01 €25.35 €31.68 €38.02 €44.35 €50.69 €57.03 €63.36
.sale €36.64 €73.28 €109.92 €146.56 €183.20 €219.84 €256.48 €293.12 €329.76 €366.40
.no €14.60 - - - - - - - - -
.org.au €20.06 €40.12 €60.18 €80.24 €100.30 - - - - -
.photos €25.52 €51.04 €76.56 €102.08 €127.60 €153.12 €178.64 €204.16 €229.68 €255.20
.org €15.78 €31.56 €47.34 €63.12 €78.90 €94.68 €110.46 €126.24 €142.02 €157.80
.qa €28.22 €56.44 €84.66 €112.88 €141.10 - - - - -
.asia €17.95 €35.90 €53.85 €71.80 €89.75 €107.70 €125.65 €143.60 €161.55 €179.50
.boutique €32.73 €65.46 €98.19 €130.92 €163.65 €196.38 €229.11 €261.84 €294.57 €327.30
.fr €12.73 - - - - - - - - -
.org.cn €17.95 €35.90 €53.85 €71.80 €89.75 €107.70 €125.65 €143.60 €161.55 €179.50
.marketing €40.44 €80.88 €121.32 €161.76 €202.20 €242.64 €283.08 €323.52 €363.96 €404.40
.recipes €60.01 €120.02 €180.03 €240.04 €300.05 €360.06 €420.07 €480.08 €540.09 €600.10
.site €36.64 €73.28 €109.92 €146.56 €183.20 €219.84 €256.48 €293.12 €329.76 €366.40
.pl €31.56 €63.12 €94.68 - - - - - - -
.com.tw €37.64 €75.28 €112.92 €150.56 €188.20 €225.84 €263.48 €301.12 €338.76 €376.40
.net.au €15.78 €31.56 €47.34 €63.12 €78.90 - - - - -
.express €36.64 €73.28 €109.92 €146.56 €183.20 €219.84 €256.48 €293.12 €329.76 €366.40
.photography €34.48 €68.96 €103.44 €137.92 €172.40 €206.88 €241.36 €275.84 €310.32 €344.80
.me €23.76 €47.52 €71.28 €95.04 €118.80 €142.56 €166.32 €190.08 €213.84 €237.60
.mx €56.50 €113.00 €169.50 €226.00 €282.50 - - - - -
.systems €30.39 €60.78 €91.17 €121.56 €151.95 €182.34 €212.73 €243.12 €273.51 €303.90
.solutions €29.30 €58.60 €87.90 €117.20 €146.50 €175.80 €205.10 €234.40 €263.70 €293.00
.zone €36.64 €73.28 €109.92 €146.56 €183.20 €219.84 €256.48 €293.12 €329.76 €366.40
.foundation €32.78 €65.56 €98.34 €131.12 €163.90 €196.68 €229.46 €262.24 €295.02 €327.80
.cheap €34.48 €68.96 €103.44 €137.92 €172.40 €206.88 €241.36 €275.84 €310.32 €344.80
.land €36.64 €73.28 €109.92 €146.56 €183.20 €219.84 €256.48 €293.12 €329.76 €366.40
* The promo price is valid for the first year of registration.

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The moment we activate the plan of your choosing, you will get a range of tools, among them a drag & drop File Manager, a hotlink prevention tool, a URL redirection tool, a comprehensive website traffic stats tool, a 1–click Web Applications Installer using which you can effortlessly create personal blogs, community portals, image galleries, etc.

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24/7 Support Service

A technical support team is constantly online for you

Having a reliable client support team willing to assist you with any question that you may have is crucial to developing a trusting relationship with our customers. We offer a 24/7 technical support service with each one of our cloud hosting plans. Hosting in Finland’s technical support engineers have been in the web hosting sector for a long time and are trained enough to help you with any issue.

What is more, we offer a one–hour customer support ticket response guarantee. However, our tech support staff members normally reply in less than 20 minutes!

24/7 Support Service

Wildcard Domains

Create a wildcard domain with only a click

With the aid of the Wildcard DNS option, you’ll be able to make all your active sub–domains load the index page of your website. For instance, when someone enters smth.domain.com or any.domain.com, they’ll visit http://domain.com/.

You may need the Wildcard DNS functionality for a multi–site web application like Joomla Multi–Site or WordPress.

To add a wildcard domain, navigate to the Domain Manager section of your Control Panel and click the Add Host button on the right. At the bottom of the options list, you’ll see the Wildcard Domain tickbox.

Wildcard Domains

Bulk Domain Name Registration Options

Speedily register a variety of domains

Registering several different domains one by one can be a tough job. That is why our company offers a bulk domain registration tool included in our web hosting Control Panel. It allows you to quickly register many domain names at once.

You will be able to order Whois Privacy Protection, to change your WHOIS data, to choose whether to host the given domain in your web hosting account or not.

Bulk Domain Name Registration Options

Various Custom DNS Records

A, AAAA, MX, CNAME records and even more

Via the Custom DNS section of the Domain Manager, you’ll be able to alter a variety of DNS records for your domains, among them A, AAAA, MX, NS, SRV, CNAME and TXT records. Adding a new record is rather easy. You just have to pick a domain name and enter the record that you want. Any modification you make will be reflected live within twenty four hours. If you want to restore the previous DNS record value, simply click the Revert button.

The Custom DNS section also sports a GeoIP location tool, which allows you to forward individuals from a particular geographical region to a specific language version of your site.

Various Custom DNS Records

Multiple Domain Administration

Multiple domain managing done right

Working with our Domain Manager is truly easy, no matter if you have one or many domains to manage. Through its easy–to–navigate interface, you can pick many domains at once and renew them (for one or several years), update their name servers or alter the WHOIS records associated with them instantly.

In the event that you also have a web hosting account with Hosting in Finland, you’ll be able to administer both multiple domains and multiple websites at the same time from a single location.

Multiple Domain Administration

  • Compare Our Domain Prices

  • Thinking which is the correct domain extension to suit your needs? Look into our exhaustive domain pricing table.
  • TLD Details

  • Hosting in Finland provides a collection of over 50 TLDs. Find more details on each TLD and determine if they’ve got any special specifications.
  • View TLD details
  • Service Guarantees

  • Risk free domain name registration services. With every domain registration, we guarantee a 99.9% uptime.
  • Contact Us

  • If you ever need support registering, transferring or handling your domain, in that case contact us by phone, online chat or e–mail.