Free Dedicated IP

No-charge dedicated IP address for your server

A dedicated IP is included at no cost with the semi-dedicated 2 server setup. You’ll be able to utilize it as soon as you gain access to the Control Panel. With a dedicated IP, you will be able to increase the distinctiveness of your website, to instantly install an SSL certificate for your website, and even register your personal name servers that will resolve to your unique IP address.

And additionally, if at any time you want an extra dedicated IP address, it is easy to get it at a discount rate right from your Control Panel.

Free Dedicated IP

24x7 Support

Ask us everything. We are right here for you round the clock.

Just waiting for ever to have you reply from the help and support staff can be very frustrating, no matter how insignificant your difficulty is. That is why, right here, at Hosting in Finland, we deliver a 1–hour reaction period guarantee, and our skilled techs in most cases answer back within just 20 minutes by using the ticket system included in the App Installer. They are readily available for you night and day.

24x7 Support

SSH Access

No cost SSH access for your machine

To let you interact straight with your server, without the need to use the Control Panel, we provide SSH access with your Linux semi-dedicated server. With this capability, you are able to promptly interact with your data files, databases and domain names using your console. However, since you will share the server with some other users, there’ll be no way for you to change the server’s setup.

SSH access is included as an addon service with the smaller bundle, and as a completely free bonus with the bigger package.

SSH Access

Faster Performance

Extremely quick speeds for all of your sites

We have increased the system bandwidth to ten Gigabits in order to provide far better connectivity and ultra–fast data transfer rates for your websites. Besides that, we have integrated additional servers in order to improve server upkeep processes and to lower website outages. Our semi-dedicated hosting offer you SSD hard drives, that have proven beyond doubt to be a lot quicker and more long–lasting than the common Hard Disk Drives.

Faster Performance

  • Service guarantees

  • Our Linux semi-dedicated hosting are setup for you at no charge. 99.9% uptime availability. SSH access. Zero–cost Control Panel integrated.
  • Compare our prices

  • Examine the allocations and characteristics provided by our Linux semi-dedicated hosting. Get started with a smaller server configuration and move up with a click of the mouse when your web presence grows.
  • Compare Semi-dedicated servers
  • Contact Us

  • Contact us at any time by email or by using our very–fast ticketing system. We’re going to reply in up to 60 minutes.