Extensive Online Documentation in Cloud Web Hosting
All Linux cloud web hosting that we are offering come with an extensive knowledge base where you can find all you should know about your web hosting account. Whether you’re intending to set up a brand new database, to forward a domain using an .htaccess config file or to set up an email address on your computer or handheld device, you can simply read our help articles and all the info that you need will be there. When you visit a specific section of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel, you’ll see articles that pertain to the features that can be accessed through it. In case you prefer to see the complete article collection and get acquainted with all the features that Hepsia is offering, or only to read generic information about the hosting service, you can browse the whole knowledge base, which can be accessed via the Help menu in your Control Panel. We’ve done our absolute best to cover any challenge that you could possibly bump into, but in case you don’t find the info that you require, you can always contact us, as our customer care staff is available 24-7-365.
Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The Help section of the Hepsia Control Panel, which is included in our Linux semi-dedicated hosting, will permit you to access the extensive online support documentation that we’ve compiled for you. The articles themselves include general info about our web hosting services, educative tutorials about the various features that you can make use of, along with troubleshooting instructions that can help you correct common issues that you may bump into. The topics that we’ve covered encompass just about everything, from easy things such as how to host a brand new domain in your account, to more complex ones such as which SSH commands can be executed on the servers. Relevant articles about the features of a particular Control Panel section will always be available on the right side of the page that you are on, while the whole article list can be accessed through the all-inclusive Help section.