Web and FTP figures are usually available in the standard website hosting service. They can tell you how your sites behave regarding popularity and visits, that will help you boost various sections or correct a marketing campaign. There are different pieces of software via which you can keep an eye on the traffic to a site and while some of them are more detailed, there is a fundamental amount of information that they all display. This includes the everyday and the monthly visits, the referrer - i.e. if the visits came directly or from a third-party Internet site, the most visited pages, and many others. This kind of data can offer you an idea of where most of the site traffic comes from or which webpages are more popular, so that you can take steps and improve the content on the other pages or start marketing differently, so that you can raise the amount of visitors and the time they spend on the website. Consequently, this will enable you to get the maximum profits.

Web & FTP Statistics in Cloud Web Hosting

We'll provide you comprehensive stats for all the sites hosted within your account on our cloud platform, so you shall be able to keep an eye on the visitors for every domain or subdomain which you have. All Linux cloud web hosting include two powerful traffic monitoring apps – Webalizer and AWStats which you'll be able to access from your Hepsia Control Panel. They shall ensure that you get incredibly detailed info via graphs and tables - you will see the first and the last webpage visited, the most visited webpages, the unique and the returning website visitors, the most downloaded files, the referrer Internet sites, the IP addresses of the website visitors and the countries they come from, and a lot more. Hourly, daily and monthly stats are offered, so you're able to see how each of your websites is doing. We have real-time stats, so you can look at the number of website visitors and their IPs/countries at any moment.

Web & FTP Statistics in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The two traffic-monitoring applications included with our Linux semi-dedicated hosting - AWStats and Webalizer, shall give you incredibly detailed info about the behavior of your site visitors, that could in turn help you optimize the website or any advertising campaign that you're running. You'll discover considerably more data than simply the number of visitors for a given period of time or the hottest pages, as the apps shall also show you how much time the visitors spent on the website, the most popular landing and exit pages, or even the keywords used by the visitors to get to your site via search engines. This information shall be offered in graphs and tables and you can look over them via a rather intuitive web interface. As an additional feature, the Hepsia CP will permit you to view the number of website visitors and where they come from in real time.